The leader of the Night Kids shows up on Mount Akina and challenges Takumi to a race. After that, a driver named Shingo from the Night Kids shows up and bumps Iketani-sensei in his Silvia that just came back from the shop. Itsuki buys a Levin, thinking it was an Eight Six, but it turns out to be an Eight Five. After initially being ridiculed by the Speed Stars, Takumi convinces his friend that owning a car is amazing, and still manages to get down the mountain in record time. Shingo challenges Takumi to a race, which Takumi accepts in order to preserve Iketani's honor, but Shingo adds a stipulation: the drivers must duck tape their right hand to the steering wheel to keep things more interesting.
There are quite a few more races in this volume, and Takumi is built up as a prodigy even more. We see him able to get into any car and, within a few turns, be able to assess the car's style and handling to the point where he can drift them to their maximum potential. A few of the "bad guys" are also built up and given some decent page time, but Shingo is a bit stereotypical and more of the Shōnen villain type who will do underhanded things to get his way. This issue has a glaring lack of page time for Natsuki, who is included in one scene 2/3rds of the way through, but there's a hint at some lady racers who may come back in later volumes. Still, for fans of racing and cars, this series satisfies all the cravings.
There is some profanity in this volume that makes it more suitable to teen audiences. Volume one had one page of a graphic sexual scene as Takumi daydreams about Natsuki. This series is historically influential and popular with readers, so it merits consideration for libraries. Sara's Rating: 9/10 Suitability Level: Grades 10-12, Adult Reviews of previous volumes in this series: vol 1* Publisher: Kodansha Publication Date: June 25, 2024 ISBN: 9798888770993 (Paperback) Tags: Rating: 9/10, Suitability: High School, Suitability: Adult, Manga, Action Adventure, Sports, Friendship, Kodansha
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September 2024